Our ability to experiment in confined A2 environments on fish and laboratory animals (rodents), as well as the availability of imaging workshops, gives its specificity and originality to the EU IERP.

Plaque-Institute of Experimentation in Animal Infectiology

The EU IERP has a collective experience of 10 years in its field of expertise.
The EU IERP is approved by the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) of the Yvelines as a user establishment and supplier of animals used for scientific purposes.
The EU IERP has established its approach and quality processes according to the ISO 9001 standard since 2013.
The EU IERP imposes strict respect for confidentiality. A confidentiality agreement is signed as soon as the applicant deems it necessary.
The EU IERP is part of:

The EU IERP has also been part of the NADIR network (Network of animal disease infectious research facilities, 2009-2013).