Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant

The effluents from the experimental area as well as the rearing areas harboring transgenic animals (anti-exhaust system) are collected and treated by chlorination.

Plan Do Act Check

Both showers are fitted with a lifting pump (type vacuum cellar) which allows to evacuate these effluents towards a storage tank of a capacity 6 m3 located under the technical awning.
The disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite) and the neutralizer (bisulphite of soda) are stored in two 125L tanks located at the storage tank
- The effluents from the treatment tank are mixed by means of a mixing pump
- During mixing, an injection of disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite at 48 ° chlorometric) is done by a dosing pump set to 1/1000 (1L of disinfectant per 1 m3 of treated water). Bibliography P. De Kinkelin
- A contact time of 15 min is achieved.
- At the end of this contact time, the brewing pump stops
- Another injection of chlorine neutralizer (Bisulfite of soda) is also done by a metering pump in order to stabilize the pH to 7
- The brewing pump turns on
- A contact time of 5 min is achieved
- The brewing pump stops
- At the end of the cycle, a solenoid valve opens to empty the treatment tank into the central wastewater system


Roue Deming
Roue Deming

Control: level of tanks and electrical device under supervision via a supervision software (Centralized Technical Management)

See also

  • Dispositifs & Structures de l'UE IERP
  • Elevages au sein de l'UE IERP
  • Expérimentations au sein de l'UE IERP
  • La démarche Système de Management Environnemental sur un groupe pilote de 10 UE. Le SME est un outil de gestion de l’entreprise qui lui permet de s’organiser en vue d’améliorer de façon durable ses performances environnementales.
  • La norme iso14001 est la plus utilisée des normes de la série des normes ISO 14000 qui concernent le management environnemental. Elle repose sur le principe d’amélioration continue de la performance environnementale par la maîtrise des impacts liés à l’activité de l’entreprise. Cette démarche est souvent représentée par la roue de Deming :iso14001 est la dénomination d’une norme qui concerne le management environnemental et dont les caractères sont propres à rassurer les consommateurs soucieux de l’environnement. Elle est une partie intégrante des normes d’organisation et l’ISO ou Organisation Internationale de la Normalisation (International Organisation for Standardization) en est l’organisme créateur.
  • EU Structures & Structures IERP
  • Breeding in the EU IERP
  • Experiences in the EU IERP
  • The Environmental Management System approach on a pilot group of 10 EU. The EMS is a business management tool that enables it to organize itself in order to improve its environmental performance in a sustainable way.
  • The iso14001 standard is the most widely used standard in the ISO 14000 series of standards for environmental management. It is based on the principle of continuous improvement of environmental performance by controlling the impacts linked to the company's activity. This approach is often represented by the Deming wheel:    Iso14001 is the name of a norm that concerns environmental management and whose characteristics are reassuring to environmentally conscious consumers. It is an integral part of organizational standards and the ISO or the International Organization for Standardization is the creative organization.