Type of services

Type of services

We realize many services, directly linked to our infrastructures and our specific and specialized skills ...

The 2 main missions of the EU IERP allow the realization of very many and various services.

Experimentation services

The EU IERP instructs and implements experimental protocols. In the majority of cases, this involves infection of the animals, by different inoculation routes and the taking of various samples, at the beginning, at the end and at the end of the protocol.
The staff of the EU IERP ensures the entirety of the service: instruction of the project or protocol, research of the animals, realization of all acts related to the animals (care, sampling, autopsies ...), waste management of all types (See Experimentation). The applicant is often involved in the phases of the protocol, which also allows him to observe and know the conditions for the implementation of the protocol.
Experimental protocols are implemented with animals from the PFIE or not, depending on the specific needs of the applicants: species, breed, age, number, physiological status, health status or specific genetic status ...
Some examples of services are available.