

The main activity of the animal technicians of the EU IERP, the breeding activity is essential to provide animals that present the sanitary and sometimes genetic guarantees necessary for the experimental protocols in the field of infectiology ...

The IERP Experimental Unit "Experimental Infectiology of Rodents and Fishes" is a unit in which the environment is highly controlled and where animals with defined characteristics (health status, genetics, etc.) are housed and manipulated. To guarantee the quality of our farms in order to obtain reliable experimental results.

Une attention particulière sur les conditions d'hébergement des animaux est prodiguée par les animaliers de l'UE IERP
Une attention particulière sur les conditions d'hébergement des animaux est prodiguée par les animaliers de l'UE IERP

Its application is aimed at maintaining the animal health status of the animals, which is indispensable for the quality of the scientific work, to make the work conform to the European and French legislation in the field of experimentation and protection of animals And to respect the commitments we have made in terms of Quality Management.

observation zebra fish
Des animaliers impliqués dans le soin et l'élevage des animaux


See also

* Ce statut sanitaire EOPS (Exempt d'Organismes Pathogènes Spécifiques) est défini par rapport à une liste de référence d'organismes pathogènes pour l'espèce considérée, d'où le terme "spécifique". La liste de référence utilisée en France est la liste proposée par la Fédération européenne des associations des sciences de l'animal de laboratoire ou Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA), mise à jour en 2014.
Elle est disponible sur simple demande.

  • EU Structures & Structures IERP
  • Breeding in the EU IERP
  • Experiences in the EU IERP
    * This EOPS (Specific Pathogenic Organisms) sanitary status is defined in relation to a reference list of pathogenic organisms for the species concerned, hence the term "specific". The reference list used in France is the list proposed by the European Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA), updated in 2014.
    It is available on request.