Devices & Structures of Experimental Fish Farming

Devices & Structures of Experimental Fish Farming

Building of 1000 m2 :

 2 Breeding areas (trout and zebrafish)

exemple d'un rack d'hébergement pour zebra fish

Zone truite: 4 rooms equipped with Closed Recycled Thermos Regulated Circuits (CFTR)

-86 aquariums of 30L and 18 basins of 250L

Each year, 100 to 150,000 eggs from the INRA-PEIMA fish farm enter the structure


Zone zébrafish: 1 room equipped with 3 racks allowing a breeding of 5000 fish per year

1 Experimental area Biological safety pathogen 2

apreçu de quelques circuits indépendants fermés recyclés thermorégulés de la zone pathogène
aperçu de quelques circuits indépendants fermés recyclés thermorégulés de la zone pathogène

2 trout rooms (104 aquariums 15L and 14 tanks 300L)

- 9 mixed pathogens (4 PM basins and 5 PM aquariums), circuits which can be used in recycling or Lost Water (EP)

  - 6 open pathogens (6 in aquarium), circuits running only in Lost Water

1 zebrafish room

- 5 racks of 18 aquariums that can operate either in CFTR or Lost Water

See also

  • Elevages de la pisciculture expérimentale
  • Nature des prestations : système de balnéation thermorégulé en zone d'expérimentation
  • Expérimentations à la pisciculture expérimentale de l'IERP
  • Experimental fish farming
  • Nature of services: thermoregulated balneotherapy system in experimental area
  • Experimental experiments at the IERP experimental fish farm

Modification date: 13 September 2023 | Publication date: 28 February 2017 | By: IERP ; Setha KETAVONG . Dimitri RIGAUDEAU