2nd TNA Offer for AQUAEXCEL

2nd TNA Offer for AQUAEXCEL

The AQUAEXCEL2020 project invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research requiring the use of the IERP installations.

The IERP facilities are made available to the research community for TransNational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. TNA involves a research group in one country collaborating with one or more AQUAEXCEL2020 Infrastructures that are located in a different country to the applicant, and which offer facilities and expertise not available in their own country.

Interested researchers can propose projects that involve visits of one or in some cases two people to the chosen research infrastructure for periods of up to three months. Access to the research infrastructures and associated travel and subsistence expenses will be paid for under the project.

The establishment of new transnational collaborations is strongly encouraged, as well as the participation by SMEs.

Modification date: 13 September 2023 | Publication date: 28 March 2017 | By: PEIMA / IERP