Incubation and hatchery (trout)

Incubation and hatchery (trout)

After passing through the "healthy laboratory", incubation of trout eggs in "SF4"
 réception et tri des oeufs de truites
 réception et tri des oeufs de truites


The hatchery is the place where the eggs (from our suppliers) are incubated. This important phase of breeding, which lasts ~ 15 days, requires very strict hygiene conditions. The use of dechlorinated and UV disinfected city water can eliminate or reduce the pressure of pathogens and increase the reliability and repeatability of the results

Recirculated water rearing system for incubation type SF4

Circuit Closed Recycled Thermo-regulated (CFRT) composed of 43 aquariums of 30L each. Accommodation capacity: ~ 20 000 to 25 000 trout (alevins)

Technical description

relevé de mortalités des lots à l'incubation SF4

With an instant incubation capacity of ~ 36,000 eggs, the hatchery has modular structures capable of carrying out individual incubations (500 eggs) or by mass (2000 eggs). It has 8 troughs that can be filled with a bulk incubator or 8 individual incubators.

Experimental breeding system. Composed of 2 mechanical and biological filters (biogrog)


Water treatment

Dechlorinated city water via activated charcoal filter

Remote monitoring and control

O2 and continuous temperature measurement

Water and environmental conditions

Filtered UV water before use


Incubation temperature: 10 ° C

* With possibility of temperature regulation (5-20 ° C)


Instructions: The oxygen level is maintained above 7 mg / l.

Oxygen supply possible via a U-tube and / or individual air diffusers in each trough / aquarium




Centre des recherches INRA de Jouy en Josas

Domaine de Vilvert, bâtiment 234
78350 Jouy en Josas, France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 34 65 28 53

See also

  • Elevages de la pisciculture expérimentale
  • Experimental fish farming

Modification date: 13 September 2023 | Publication date: 09 March 2017 | By: IERP ; PEIMA ; Setha KETAVONG