Rearing rooms (trout)

Rearing rooms (trout)

The closed rooms "SF4" and "SF3"
exemple de rampe de circuit fermé recyclé thermo-régulé (SF3)
exemple de rampe de circuit fermé recyclé thermo-régulé (SF3)


2 independent circuits (SF4 and SF3)

43 bins of 30 liters each, fed in closed circuit fed by dechlorinated city water and distributed in 2 separate closed rooms (SF) secured (UV lamps) with respect to pathogens

Technical description

Thermally regulated closed circuit with temperature control. Possible temperature range: 5-20 ° C. Cooling system via plate exchanger (brine).

Temperature, O2, pressure ..) under supervision via a software of supervision (Centralized Technical Management)

Water treatment

Dechlorinated city water via activated charcoal filter


Regulated temperature (5-20 ° C)


Instructions: The oxygen level is maintained above 7 mg / l.

Possible oxygen supplies via a U-tube and / or individual air diffusers in each basin


Adjustable lighting ranges (on programmed clocks) with progressive on and off.



Centre des recherches INRA de Jouy en Josas

Domaine de Vilvert, bâtiment 234
78350 Jouy en Josas, France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 34 65 28 53

See also

  • Elevages de la pisciculture expérimentale
  • Experimental fish farming

Modification date: 13 September 2023 | Publication date: 09 March 2017 | By: IERP ; Setha KETAVONG