Recycling tours (trout and carp)

Recycling tours (trout and carp)

The "P.M." : Mixed pathogens
vue sur des circuits PM avec bassins en zone d'expérimentation
vue sur des circuits PM avec bassins en zone d'expérimentation


9 independent circuits (PM1 to PM9)

9 Mixed pathogens (4 PMs from 2 to 4 tanks (200L) and 5 PM from 6 to 12 aquariums (15L)), circuits that can be used in recycling or Lost Water (EP)

- PM 1, 2 and 3 with 4 basins

- PM 4 with 2 basins

- PM 5 to 7 with 12 aquariums

- PM 8 and 9 with 6 aquariums

Technical description

Thermally regulated closed circuit with temperature control. Temperature range: 5-20 ° C. Cooling system via plate exchanger (brine).

Temperature, O2, pressure .. under supervision via a software of supervision (Centralized Technical Management)

Water treatment

Dechlorinated city water via activated charcoal filter

Available Flow


According to the circuit, from 1 000 to 4 000 l / h (visualizable with flow meter of the installations). This parameter is manually controlled. (Recycling pump with a theoretical maximum output capacity of 25m3 / h) managed by a variable speed drive


Regulated temperature (5-20 ° C)


Instructions: The oxygen level is maintained above 7 mg / l.

Possible oxygen supplies via a U-tube and / or individual air diffusers in each basin


Adjustable lighting ranges (on programmed clocks) with progressive lighting and extinction for the entire "trypanos pathogens" experimental room housing all independent circuits.



Centre des recherches INRA de Jouy en Josas

Domaine de Vilvert, bâtiment 234
78350 Jouy en Josas, France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 34 65 28 53

See also

  • Nature des prestations : système de balnéation thermorégulé en zone d'expérimentation
  • Expérimentations à la pisciculture expérimentale de l'IERP
  • Nature of services: thermoregulated balneotherapy system in experimental area
  • Experimental experiments at the IERP experimental fish farm

Modification date: 13 September 2023 | Publication date: 24 March 2017 | By: IERP ; Setha KETAVONG